Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Behold, the Handmaiden of the Lord

New Year's Day 2014
What a big day a far as days go in the year, and for me, it was made more special by Jacky's Ordination of receiving the Melchizedek Priesthood from my dad.  A good way to start out the year before he goes off to college, a Utah Man, with the higher Priesthood to go with him, along with words of advice from our good Bishop Pingree reminding us to notice the spiritual moments in our life and to remember that we chose in the premortal to follow Christ, and also from the Stake representative, Bro St Clair pointing out that it is through the spirit that sacred things are shared and finally, from Grandpa Kane the emotion filled declaration of gratitude for family. The cherry on top was a visit from Elder Harris and newly appointed companion Elder Abgee, leaving us with a message from Enos about feeling whole through our faith in Jesus Christ.
My cup runneth over!

Paul, Jackson, Cody, Dani and Lander,
I am reading a book called Visions of Glory by John Pontious.  It is about a man's true story of visions and near death experiences and what he has learned.  I love the little nuggets that touch my heart and speak to my spirit and I want to share a few with you at the beginning of this New Year.
First, let me start with what has been on my heart since the 2013 Christmas season began.  I love that Mary, faithfully and humbly said to the angel Gabriel, "Behold the Handmaiden of the Lord." In that moment, she was probably scared and confused, yet because she was prepared and believed, she was ready to do her duty to God.  (Paul, I know you love that word DUTY.)
Like the "Spencer" in the book, she agreed to do the work that the Lord asked her to do that was for all mankind, for you, for me in that very moment that she was asked.  "God really does count every moment of our lives, and if we let Him guide us, those moments become eternally significant." pg 16.  The moment she said "Behold," it became the most significant moment of all time!
Are you ready, and willing to say those same words and then actually follow through in those moments that the Lord needs your voice and your hands to do His work?  Am I?
I want to be more in tune with the spirit, because I am pretty sure that an angel will not visit me and tell me what to do.  I need to listen to those promptings and thoughts, and take the challenge that Bishop Pingree gave me in December to act on them, even if they seem silly.
I know that my life has meaning, that God is in the details of my life and that everything I do has a divine purpose.  And because I know that, I need to be more diligent in paying attention to those moments when God is in need of me to do his work, however small it may be.
I am grateful for the work that he has trusted me to do with all of you.
I pray that you can all know, deep in your heart, what I know to be true, real and wonderful!
My wonderful family.
You are all my DUTY!
I love you all!

"...we are truly His work and His glory.  We are what He is doing.  We are what He is about." pg 18 VofG

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