Thursday, July 29, 2010

Dear Dad,
I have been reflecting all summer about you, as we prepared for your retirement party in Idaho Falls. It is amazing that a bunch of loud mouthed kids actually pulled off the surprise. You were stunned into silence. What a wonderful night it turned out to be.
First of all, thank you for the enjoyment I had going through your life of 66 years. So many questions about experiences you have had and who the people are in the photos that have crossed your path. How did they influence you? Why coaching & teaching? What made you cry when seeing a picture of the woman who raised you? Were you carefree as a kid? So many questions, I look forward to our future converstions.

Look at your legacy. The night of the party I should have stood and told everybody the feelings that filled my heart that night about you, my dad, my friend, my hero. This will come with less tears and more clarity, but with all the love that I feel for you:

I have been reflecting about what this Pioneer Day means and it reminds me that I have been blessed with a modern day pioneer in my life. You came to Rexburg, Idaho as a young man from the Hawaiian islands, not knowing a soul and so bravely and honorably made choices that began this great big Ohana. You have blazed the trail for all of our lives and have done it with hard work, dedication, faith, love and integrity.
There is not much of my life that does not reflect some aspect of you. Our hearts are so similar and I have felt your inspiration so many times, without even knowing it until this summer as I got to take a look into your life. There are so many things you have taught me about how to get along with others, whether it be on a team or just cooperating with family. I learned to make the most out of my God given gifts and talents. You nourished my leadership skills and reminded me to always be an example of goodness and service. Love of your spouse comes first and loyalty to family is of the most importance. And, I always know that my Father in Heaven loves me and I am his daughter. Mahalo father, for these and so much more.

I see this same influence in my own family. It is easy to see your sweet face and giant heart in my Jackson boy, Cody has your strength and strong spirit, Dani is gifted with your love of serving others, making their lives easier and inspiring them to be better, and Lander has your enthusiasm for life, your affection towards others and for family. Even Paul is inspired to be a better father and husband through your example.
You are such a Christlike person, always have been, always will be.

Many people throughout my life have commented about how hard it must have been to have you as a vice principal, advisor, coach and so on. I honestly tell them that is was actually really great. My friends wished they had a dad like you, the students of IFHS loved you and the community admired the service that you gave.
You will always be Mr. Kane, Coach Kane, Stormin' Normin' the coolest guy ever!
it is a blessing that I get to call you dad.
I love you and Aloha!
Michelle Pualani Kane Barton

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

weeding my garden

2282 Decade Court
Riverside, California 92506
Richard & Beth Barton's gardens are always beautiful.
You should see them in the spring.

By the way, I love John Bytheway.
Listened to Weed your Garden, Grow a Testimony yesterday and absolutely loved it. What a powerful speaker, with a tremendous testimony of Christ's gospel. There are so many different parts of it that I loved, that I could write on and on about it. So, here are my highlights off the top of this for forgetful brain; Alma the younger taught about planting the seed and giving it place. What is the seed? Christ. Plant Christ in your heart and nourish His word with daily obedience of living the gospel of Christ. He came, he showed and he sacrificed. Now it is up for us to partake. With good garden 'weapons', ie prayer, FHE, scripture knowledge, church meetings, serving others and the list goes on, then I can ho, whack, cut, dig, and kill out the weeds (wordly influence, satan's temptations, human weakness).

AnnnnnD, along with some good FDP: FAITH * DILIGENCE * PATIENCE, I will better stay on this straight and narrow path that will lead me safely home to my Heavenly Father.
Like Lehi, I have the testimony, and I am hoping, pleading, praying that my family members come along. FAITH
Unlike Lehi, I am not even close to the Tree of Life and the temptations of the world still ring very clear in my head. DILIGENCE
MO reen always says, "Just love 'um" PATIENCE

I look forward to kneeling at Christ's feet and it is up to me to help get US ALL safely home,
TOGETHER FOREVER as Grandma May would say.
