So, instead of rehashing this past year, well 10 years, I will go from here and maybe I will be able to recall some really good stuff in the past.
Day 1 of the rest of my life, or something like that.
I was walking with Dani & Sadie (our dog) & she was going on about things & I was stating my opinion and she told me that we just do not think alike. hmmmm. Someday I know she will realize how much we are alike and she will be ok with that. for now, she just wants to be like her dad. hmmmmm, again. In my opinion, she is the better version of both of us.
We traveled to Idaho this weekend for my nephew Kai's farewell talk in church. He was very sweet and the spirit was very strong as he spoke of the gratitude he felt in his heart about being called to the Honolulu, Hawaii mission. It has made him feel closer to Kuku Kane & he is hopeful that he will be able to teach the gospel to our family in Hawaii. The first Kane grandchild to serve a mission, what an example & what a strong young man. My prayers go to him, as well as to Matt & Hallie. I know they will miss him terribly, yet I know they will be blessed & watched over. Thank you Kai for your sweet spirit, I felt it very strong & the talks given today gave me renewed courage and strength to continue to have hope for my family.
I was taken back at the strong spirit that was in the room that day. I knew it was radiating from Dean & his family. It was very pure & very peaceful. Hallie and Lana both gave very good talks and I felt very good that day coming from that church in Syracuse, UT. I am so grateful that I was baptized & that my children are baptized. I look forward to the day when Paul joins us, as well. It has been a journey I tell you. Holding strong. At least when I get to have experiences like today. Thank you Kealani. Thank you Heavenly Father.