It took me a 2 months to finish, but I finally did. I have loved, loved, loved every moment that I spent reading Belonging to Heaven by Gale Sears. I have never felt the spirit so strong and I have never found myself so connected to an individual through their story. I am so very grateful for the time Gale took to so profoundly record the beautiful life of these Hawaiian ancestors that I claim as my own. I know that Heaven is close, I know that the words in the story are true and I am so happy that I can share in their belief of Heaven, of God, of Christ, of a gospel that can bring us together as an eternal ohana.
Aloha Jonathon Hawaii Napela,
I finished your story that Gale Sears so beautifully put into words of your journey toward Belonging to Heaven. Thank you for your example of courage and faithfulness to Christ. I know with all my heart that you are resting, actually teaching in paradise with your beloved Kitty and Panana, as well as your dear friend George Cannon (E ka haole! Oh the white man) and all of your posterity. You must have been so happy when you and Brother George were reunited after all those many years. Did you go to walk the rainbow with him? I feel a special bond toward you and all that are in your story, as well as my own Makuna Kane, Norman Hoonani Kane, and our Hawaiian ancestors. You have done a great thing for the Hawaiian people and I know that my own Makuna Kane's journey to Heaven is connected through your devotion to building the kingdom of God on the Hawaiian (Sandwich) Islands. I need to tell you that I sobbed when you walked the rainbow, led by your sweet mother. It testified to me the thinness of the veil and the closeness of those on the other side. You chose the right path and left the center course. I remember the day I made the same choice. The way has been hard, but like Mikanele Cannon said, "There is no easy way in this. Do you think life was easy for the Jeweish men who Jesus called to follow him? Do you think it was easy for the fifteen-year-ole Joseph Smith to stand against the doctrine and preachers of the day? Do you think it is easy for me to be here, far from home, eating potatoes, and struggling with the language? Do you think it was easy for the Savior to carry his cross to Calvary? If you wish to belong to heaven,...there is no easy way." (pp 160 Belonging to Heaven by Gale Sears)
Mahola Brother Jonathon.
I look forward to meeting you.
I only ask one thing from you, please open up the spiritual connections to helping me find my ohana that need temple work preformed, so that they may have the choice to begin their journey to Eternal Heaven. "One Lord, one faith, one baptism." -George Q Cannon
May I serve with the same conviction, devotion, strength, patience and love that you did.
Aloha Nui Loa,
Michelle Pualani Kane-Barton
ps My beloved is not of my faith, do I yet have rougher seas to voyage through before he believes?
Come, come ye Saints, no toil nor labor fear;
But with joy wend your way.
Though hard to you this journey may appear,
Grace shall be as your day.
'Tis better far for us to strive
Our useless cares from us to drive.
Do this, and joy your hearts will swell!
All is well! All is well!