Friday, May 17, 2013

Good Cry, Great Inspiration

I have been wanting to see the movie, Les Miserable since it came out in 2012.  I have never seen the play and truthfully have never had the desire.  Finally, I rented it and started watching it in our so very awesome theatre room, with Sheryl and Dani.  Dani lasted 10 minutes and Sheryl for half. I loved everything about it, with exception of ALL the singing.  It would have been better for me if they had only sung the big ones and spoke in between.  I am sure Paul will never watch it, but I am going to try.  Flipping through the tele I found another version with Liam Niesson.  All talking, it was fair.  Too much talking.  Now, I want to see the broadway version.

Dear Jean Valjean,
I finally met you this week.  You are a wonderful man, or I mean you would be a wonderful man if you were a real person.   Your commitment to God was inspiring and help me to realize that I need to work at it every day, hour, minute. I loved to see when you were weak, and then found the strength to be strong and remain faithful to your promise. It was beautiful the way Fontine came to bring you back to Heaven and acknowledged what you did for her Cozet.  You gave your life to save a child of God. That is what we should all do, for are we all not brother's and sister's?
There are many Jean Valjean's in the world.  I think I have met a few.  I pray that I can live as you did and as they do.
xo mp
