Sunday, January 1, 2012

Back in the Saddle Again

I keep falling off this blog horse. It is the first day of 2012 and I am going to try this nag again. I would really love to have a published book by years end to remind me of my ABUNDANT life.
So many things to be grateful for and so many things to improve. It is nice to start the year off going to church and setting my self straight again with God. His arm is stretched out still, how I hope for that same patience with my own children.

Speaking of my brood, healthy, Happy, making Good choices, trying to do their Best, growing up too fast, becoming more independent, keeping me on my toes, testing my patience, typical sibling behavior, Loving us still, at least most of the time, AND Believing.

We finished the year right, together, with people we love!
Thanks to Karen Howell, President Thomas S Monson and Joey (Warhorse),
I am inspired to have Courage to live what I Believe with Joy, EVERY DAY.

Riverside, California Christmas Day 2011

San Clemente Pier at Fisherman's, now that is peaceful joy!
