Jackson played in his first varsity football game as a sophomore last Friday. He looked so big, so grown up. It reminds me of my sophomore year 25 years ago. I started varsity volleyball, I had my first boyfriend, I had lots of friends, I had my license, I was a happy, healthy teenager. All the things I wanted at that age, I had. Life was good, but I only now understand, that my life was GREAT. And this is why: I am member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and I new it was good & true. I have goodly parents, who love me & siblings who look up to me, which I am ashamed that I didn't always set a good example for. I have grandparents who pray for me, love me & always told me how much the gospel of Jesus Christ meant to them. Jeannie Groberg was my Young Women's leader. She was awesome for always reminding me that I am a daughter of God who loves me. She never judged me. I am pretty confident that I had righteous friends who also prayed for me. I was blessed with a gift that made sports come easy so I could excel and learn how to work hard, be disciplined & work with others. I truly had it all and I am so grateful that at least now I fully Remember.
Dear sweet jacky boy, please remember how great your life is, and not just the little things. Remember the feeling you had when your father placed his hands on your head and gave you your first father's blessing. Remember the sweet spirit that filled the room as many righteous men placed their hands on your head to ordain you a priest so that you can stand in authority of Jesus Christ. Remember that your are loved by your Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, by your parents and grandparents, and by so many others. Hold fast to what the scriptures have taught you. Remember where you came from, why you are here and where you are going. Remember whose name you take upon you and you will always have His spirit to be with you.
I love you.
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