We walked up to the endowment rooms and before me on the stairs was the origianl Minerva Teichert, Rescue of the Lost Lamb. It was 10'x10' and just breathtaking.
Maureen and Carol gave me a framed print of this when I took out my own endowment. It hangs by my bed for me to remember to be grateful for being found and also to remember that Paul will too, be found and then we will be sealed for time and all eternity to each other and to our children,
Minerva's original Red Robed Christ hangs in the entrance of the SLC temple. I look forward to giving my parents a framed print for Christmas. It was one of Pres. Hinckley's favorites. To see her paintings and know her story, go to; http://www.familyartusa.com/site/253614/page/238859
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