Thursday, August 27, 2015

So Many Missionaries

Since we moved to Sandy, Utah 3 years ago, it has been all about Missionaries.  They are coming and going and teaching and preaching. We saw Kekoa off to Maryland and now he is home, a changed young man, hopefully forever.  Every month since, it has been farewells, welcome homes and on and on.  It is quite an amazing phenomena that is happening in the LDS church.  I just read a blog of a sweet missionary who is serving in Spain.  His heart is so tender, missing family, missing his sweet heart, yet doing his duty because his heart is good, and his family & girl supports him and mostly because he loves God and Jesus Christ.  It made me want to write again after a year plus of being lazy.  It makes me want to learn spanish, serve more, love better, and pray more often, especially for all the missionaries.  So, this one is for Tanner...

Dear Elder Hammond,
I am so grateful your mom sent your email to me today.  The last time I saw her, I had her read an email from my nephew who was just finishing his mission in Baltimore, Maryland.  You sound much like him, as a newby in the field, so full of excitement in your new life, even though you are homesick for your old one in North Salt Lake.  With your good attitude, your love of your family and God, and your sense of duty, you are going to be great.  
But how great?
   I teach gospel doctrine in my ward and it is so amazing to be learning and sharing about the Apostle Paul right now.  Talk about one of the greatest missionaries of his time, our time, every time.  It is because he had conviction, and mixed with his tenacious personality and passion to share the truth, along with love of God and Jesus Christ, he was successful.  He brought so many people to Christ and the ones he didn't get on earth, I pretty sure when they arrived in heaven, they remembered him. 
Paul, like you, taught to the gentiles on foreign soil.  He didn't mess around, he took his commitment seriously and stood as a witness at all times, and in all things, and in all places, even unto being stoned, spit on, kicked out, hated, rejected, thrown in prison and finally even unto death.  He took upon himself the Whole Armour of God and changed lives, moved mountains and witnessed miracles.
There are so many missionaries, doing what you do, going all over the world, sharing what you share, in so many different languages, to so many of God's children.  There amazing ones, and not so amazing ones. Dedicated ones and lazy as the day is long ones. Missionaries that are doing their duty, but with how much passion, effort, humility, love?.
How great will you be?  
That is up to you.
I ask myself the same question, because haven't we all made the same promises to share the gospel with our neighbor?
I hope for Spain that you are great!
I look forward to hearing more about your journey to that said greatness, that can be yours!
Bless you for honoring your mother and father, your Father in Heaven and Jesus Christ.
Bless you for being a light to my niece and her family.
Bless You 
Bless You
Bless You


