Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Gift of Aaron Alford: "G.O.A.T."

We lost a good friend last week, Aaron Kent Alford.  A week ago, a blood clot moved from his leg to his lung and took his life. He was 39 years old, leaving behind Linda, Eli (14), and Max and Sam (9).  Most of the week I was mad, thinking about how Linda and her boys' lives will be forever changed and now a new life will have to begin without him.  After the memorial, I realized that the change, although difficult and terrible for a time, also has a silver lining.  Aaron left behind a desire to be better, to be more like Christ, to live with the attitude that every moment in your life is the "Greatest Of All Times" G.O.A.T.  His final words to his church youth group, "whatever choices you make, ask yourself, what would Jesus have me do."  He has finished his work on the earth. It hurts. I am continually sad for his family, but there is joy in knowing that we knew him, we loved him and he loved us.

Dear Aaron,
I thought of you this morning as I was reading my scriptures. You would be happy about that, because now I know that you loved scriptures as well and tried to use them in your life also.  It was so nice to hear from people who really knew you and had strong relationships with you at your memorial.  You are so very loved because of how you lived your life. The last three funerals I have gone to, I went away thinking that I wish I had known them better, what a great person.  I am so grateful that I did know you, and I did feel of your love for me and Paul, but especially my children.  It was amazing to watch your excitement with Jackson journey toward Utah, and you had such a huge part in setting him on that path.  I will never forget the day you took a picture of Dani's first college letter and with joy posted it on your facebook.  We were benefactors of your love, concern and treated my kids like you were their greatest fan. It feels good to have people like you and genuinely be interested in you, and what a gift you have of making everyone in your company feel good about themselves.  
Like I said, I thought of you as I was reading in 2 Nephi this morning.  There were certain people in our church who were witnesses to the Golden Plates, from which the Book of Mormon was translated. They testified of the fact that they did see the plates and that the Lord instructed them to bear witness of that fact.  There was only one person who did not testify in writing and that was Mary Whitmer.  She was the mother of one of the men who testified in writing of seeing the plates.  She was taking care of her family, as well as the Prophet Joseph Smith and his family as he resided in her home to translate the plates.  She was weary from the task, but never complained and fulfilled her duties to do her part in the work.  One evening she was walking out to the barn to milk the cows and the angel Moroni appeared to her, and this is what he said, "You have been very faithful and diligent in your labors, but you are tired because of the increase of your toil; it is proper therefore that you should receive a witness that your faith may be strengthened."  He then showed her the plates.  What a gift for her to be given the surety that her labors were not in vain and that her work was significant.  In her day, there were very few that believed what Joseph Smith was doing, so it makes sense to me that an actual angel would appear to her.  But, today, I have many angels around me to strengthen my faith so that I may continue the work.  My family, my ward, my neighbors, YOU.  
You, Aaron were in angel in this life and I know that you continue to make a difference in the next.  Thank you for finding your gift and using it for good.  You have fought the good fight, I know that you did the work that the Father would have you do and now you have graduated to your next estate. Well done, brother.
I will keep in my heart G.O.A.T.
We'll love you long after your gone, gone, gone.
Until we meet again.
Aloha nui loa,
xo mp

P.S. I imagine you singing the song from Train, 

Sing Together
If I go before I say to everyone in my ballet
Let me take this chance to thank you for the dance
If I run out of songs to sing to take your mind off everything
Just smile, sit a while with the

Sun on your face and remember the place we met
Take a breath and soon I bet you'll see
Without you I would never be me
You are the leaves of my family tree

Sing together
If you knew me from the very start,
Or we met last week at the grocery mart
Just sing together
It's the least that I can do
My final gift to you
Oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oooo

When I'm past the pearly gate, I will find some real estate
Where we can settle down and watch the world go round
We'll send down all the love we got and let them know we got a spot
For them to be and it's all free,

The sun on your face and remember the place we met
Take a breath and soon I bet you'll see
Without you I would never be me
You are the leaves of my family tree

Sing together
If you knew me from the very start,
Or not at all you're still a part, just
Sing together
It's the least that I can do
My final gift to you

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Aloha Nui Loa

It took me a 2 months to finish, but I finally did.  I have loved, loved, loved every moment that I spent reading Belonging to Heaven by Gale Sears.  I have never felt the spirit so strong and I have never found myself so connected to an individual through their story.  I am so very grateful for the time Gale took to so profoundly record the beautiful life of these Hawaiian ancestors that I claim as my own.  I know that Heaven is close, I know that the words in the story are true and I am so happy that I can share in their belief of Heaven, of God, of Christ, of a gospel that can bring us together as an eternal ohana. 

Aloha Jonathon Hawaii Napela,
I finished your story that Gale Sears so beautifully put into words of your journey toward Belonging to Heaven.  Thank you for your example of courage and faithfulness to Christ.  I know with all my heart that you are resting, actually teaching in paradise with your beloved Kitty and Panana, as well as your dear friend George Cannon (E ka haole! Oh the white man) and all of your posterity. You must have been so happy when you and Brother George were reunited after all those many years.  Did you go to walk the rainbow with him? I feel a special bond toward you and all that are in your story, as well as my own Makuna Kane, Norman Hoonani Kane,  and our Hawaiian ancestors.  You have done a great thing for the Hawaiian people and I know that my own Makuna Kane's  journey to Heaven is connected through your devotion to building the kingdom of God on the Hawaiian (Sandwich) Islands.  I need to tell you that I sobbed when you walked the rainbow, led by your sweet mother.  It testified to me the thinness of the veil and the closeness of those on the other side.  You chose the right path and left the center course.   I remember the day I made the same choice.  The way has been hard, but like Mikanele Cannon said, "There is no easy way in this.  Do you think life was easy for the Jeweish men who Jesus called to follow him?  Do you think it was easy for the fifteen-year-ole Joseph Smith to stand against the doctrine and preachers of the day?  Do you think it is easy for me to be here, far from home, eating potatoes, and struggling with the language?  Do you think it was easy for the Savior to carry his cross to Calvary? If you wish to belong to heaven,...there is no easy way."  (pp 160  Belonging to Heaven by Gale Sears)
Mahola Brother Jonathon.
I look forward to meeting you.
I only ask one thing from you, please open up the spiritual connections to helping me find my ohana that need temple work preformed, so that they may have the choice to begin their journey to Eternal Heaven.  "One Lord, one faith, one baptism." -George Q Cannon
May I serve with the same conviction, devotion, strength, patience and love that you did.
Aloha Nui Loa,
Michelle Pualani Kane-Barton

ps  My beloved is not of my faith,  do I yet have rougher seas to voyage through before he believes?

Come, come ye Saints, no toil nor labor fear;
But with joy wend your way.
Though hard to you this journey may appear,
Grace shall be as your day.
'Tis better far for us to strive
Our useless cares from us to drive.
Do this, and joy your hearts will swell!
All is well!  All is well!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Good Cry, Great Inspiration

I have been wanting to see the movie, Les Miserable since it came out in 2012.  I have never seen the play and truthfully have never had the desire.  Finally, I rented it and started watching it in our so very awesome theatre room, with Sheryl and Dani.  Dani lasted 10 minutes and Sheryl for half. I loved everything about it, with exception of ALL the singing.  It would have been better for me if they had only sung the big ones and spoke in between.  I am sure Paul will never watch it, but I am going to try.  Flipping through the tele I found another version with Liam Niesson.  All talking, it was fair.  Too much talking.  Now, I want to see the broadway version.

Dear Jean Valjean,
I finally met you this week.  You are a wonderful man, or I mean you would be a wonderful man if you were a real person.   Your commitment to God was inspiring and help me to realize that I need to work at it every day, hour, minute. I loved to see when you were weak, and then found the strength to be strong and remain faithful to your promise. It was beautiful the way Fontine came to bring you back to Heaven and acknowledged what you did for her Cozet.  You gave your life to save a child of God. That is what we should all do, for are we all not brother's and sister's?
There are many Jean Valjean's in the world.  I think I have met a few.  I pray that I can live as you did and as they do.
xo mp

Monday, May 13, 2013

Sister of Mine

Years ago I wanted to write in my journal like I was writing a letter to someone.  I even wrote a few, the old fashioned way, paper-pencil type.  I know, so twentieth century, right?
Today I read some blogs of women across Utah who are part of the first LTYM Listen to Your Mother. I want to go with my close friends, my sisters.  The first person I thought that I would want to be with, is MOOOO_reen aka Maureen Ewell, aka Big Erin.
Reading all these fabulous women's blogs has inspired me to pick it back up again.
I am not sure how long it will last, but here I go;

This first letter is to you, dear sweet sister of mine;

Dear Big Erin,
This has been quite the journey you and I have taken the last 14 years, specifically the last two of them. I started it by putting my house on the market and then you went and rented yours and became a vagabond between Cali, Phoenix and PC.  Finally, we sold our house and moved to the big city and you are still moving around, dogs and all.  (shit dog)
So, you are back in town and I could call you, to tell you we have to go tho the LTYM thing tomorrow night.  You were sitting in your car with Charly outside of Little Erin's house listening to Shawn Hanidy.  So funny.  Too bad we are living in a time with car seats and regulations, or you would have just strapped a seat belt around little Charly and drove my way while you listened to that conservative radio guy, whom I like too.  But, it wasn't to be, the responsible Mo-Mo will not have anything go wrong on her watch.
I am excited for tomorrow.  You are coming to walk with me in my new walking spots, with my new walking sisters, Leslie and Julie.  It will be so great for you all to meet.  My old and new coming together.  aahhhhhhh. It better not rain. They are going to love you and probably be surprised at our age difference, which at times makes me smile to think that my bestie is around my mother's age.  Age is really just a number, right.
I want you to know that whenever anything good or bad happens in my life, or my families life, I have to call you.  You are the only person I gossip to, and I have kept the rule never to gossip about you.  Especially when my heart is heavy, I need to hear your voice and look forward to your words of comfort, cheer, direction and peace.  I think of you when I walk, when I go to church, when I am at the temple, or wondering what to fix for dinner and do I have all the ingredients, then remember that I can't pop over to Big Erin's for milk or peanuts or whatever. When Lander asks me about nba or nfl players, I always know that you would know the answers.  You always remind me to love the man, hate the behavior.  He has no idea what you have done for our marriage.  You are my go to woman!
It is a blessing to have an angel in my life. God, in his infinite wisdom and love made our paths cross, and for that I will be eternally grateful.  I love you dear sister of mine. Thank you for being such a wonderful blessing to me.
Come home soon.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

For the Strength of YOU

May 5th
I have been on a spiritual high for the last few weeks.   Koa's patriarchal blessing was two Sunday's ago, Jackson's was today, teaching my Miamaids last week about the Restoration and how truly amazing Joseph Smith was, day 66 of reading the Book of Mormon, going to the temple, watching Mormon Channel, personal progress, bearing testimony of what I believe and why I am so grateful that we moved into this ward and so much more.
The missionaries spoke to our young women on Sunday and challenged them to read through the Strength for Youth pamphlet and take a look at what they are doing to follow the directions and what they are not doing.  I looked those beautiful girls and realized that these kids are truly the ones sent to this earth in the final days.  The strong ones are strong and the not so strong are hanging in there. I need to be better at helping those girls that are sitting on the fence, hanging by a thread and just need help to create inspiration for change or for righteous action.
It would be cool to write a book, For the Strength of YOU.
Hopefully I can get it out of my head clearly and share with my kids and girls.
I pray that jackson will really take his direction in his blessing seriously.

A Good Sunday.

April 28th
Started the day right, breakfast with the young women of Bell Canyon and reading the Book of Mormon.  We are on day 59 of the 100 day challenge, which puts me to Alma chapt 41.  Alma is given advice to his son's Helaman, Shiblon and Corianton.  Corianton is being scolded for his rebellious behavior when they were in the land of the Zoramites to teach them the gospel.  Alma is so patient and wise, I would have been crazy mad.  Good thing it was Alma who was his parent, because Corianton eventually becomes a good disciple of Christ.  Alma is a good example to me.  He taught him truths of the gospel to help change his behavior.
Sacrament was a mission farewell and a mission welcome home.  They were brother and sister.  Oh the joy of their mother.  The elder gave very good advice.  Gospelize yourself.  Be converted to the gospel, not just the church.  He asked us what our ultimate goal was, what are we doing to reach that goal and is it enough.  This went so well with my lesson in young women's.  It was the last lesson on the restoration and apostasy.  I was asking the girls what their hope is in this gospel and what truths have they learned along the way to help them stay strong.
Koa was given his patriarchal blessing by Brother Korey.  The entire family was there.  I felt the spirit and the blessing was really beautiful and I could tell that it gave Koa confidence and strength.  He received very good advice.  I can't wait for Jacky's next Sunday and then Cody's.
We had our first family dinner on the back deck.  Grandpa's teriyaki, yum.  loving the weather.
Took a hike up Bell Canyon for the first time.  Actually, it was a climb, as my heart pounded out of my chest.  It was very pretty, but too many people and too steep.  The view of the city coming back down was very nice.
Ended up on the back deck again to watch the sun set while we sat in our two new chairs.
This is a way to start a week.
Like I said, a good Sunday.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Conference at the Ranch April 2013

I enjoyed all the moments to listen to conference by myself, with Jacky, and especially with all the family.  There was a spat between boys and some choice words and actions to remind me that we are not the perfect fam, but I was indeed touched several times as I listened to the advice and revelation from our prophet, apostles and leaders.  I am grateful for their obedience, however reluctant it might be.     Hollond, Uchtdorf, and Dalton were most impressive to me.  It was a lot to take in, I look forward to hitting lds.org to review. Time to sleep.  I am pretty sure Pres. Monson is wiped out.  Sweet man.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


A high councilman from the stake spoke in church this past Sunday, it really touched my heart.  He spoke of the desire to have his children believe and that he is reminded about his belief and the journey he took to get it, by a Christmas bell, from the story The Polar Express.  Following church, the missionaries came to practice teaching to our kids and Paul participated.  I think he felt that was the reason they came anyways.  One of the sisters challenged him to really think about what he believes and continually asked him why he didn't want to know. I know that Paul doesn't want to know because he doesn't want to change. He is fine with what he 'doesn't' believe and that is comfortable with him.  It is easier to not believe, therefor have no responsibility to live a different way, or to hold a calling, pay tithing, go to church, have a commitment.  It is work to be a believer.  It is easy some days, harder other days when the world takes over.  It is even harder to live in a house of not necessarily ALL non believers, but with one adimant one and many immature ones.  I truly know in my heart that as long as our house is divided, it will fall, whether that be in this life or the next.  I feel just a tiny bit of the sorrow that Mormon felt when he had to lead a very wicked people. He is better than me.  He loved them as Christ would have him love, and I at least am only concerned about people that I love.  Many days I wonder, 'is this the path I am supposed to be on, or the one I need to make the best of because I chose it. I need to have Mormon's heart.  I pray for a heart like his.  I need to be a strong leader just as he was, even if they all choose not to live what I believe.  Mostly, I pray that they will BELIEVE.

Friday, February 1, 2013

On the Path

Last night I read part of the first chapter of Becoming His to Paul.  I felt peace reading of Christ  and how to start on the path of discipleship, "...toward becoming what our Heavenly Father desires us to become." Elder Dallin H. Oaks
I desire us to become an eternal family, but I know there are (baby steps. in Paul's words) to that actually becoming a reality.  I have been on the path of true discipleship for almost 16 years, and I still have so far to go. Still in the process of letting go who I was and becoming who the Lord knows I can be.  I wonder if he reports to the Father, "so much potential, still needs a lot of work."
Ezra Taft Benson encouraged, "men and women who turn their lives over to God will discover that He can make a lot more out of their lives than they can.  He can deepen their joys, expand their vision, quicken their minds, strengthen their muscles (oooh Paul will like that), lift their spirits, multiply their blessing, increase their opportunities, comfort their souls, raise up friends, and pour out peace."  Now who couldn't use more of all that.  What a blessing.
I think I am going to really love this book.
Thank you Emily for being more.

My Biggest Fan

Katie called me yesterday to let me know that her father had died suddenly from complications of cancer.  She also wanted me to know that he was my biggest fan when I played volleyball at Utah.
I am so grateful that I was able to talk with him in December at the boys basketball game against Skyline, (his grandson's team)
He was so excited to see my boys play.
It is comforting to know that up there is by biggest fan.
Here is to you Mr. C!


Richard Lee Christensen

1937 - 2013
Richard Lee Christensen, born of goodly parents, A. Lee Christensen and Rosetta Widtsoe, came into this world September 5, 1937. He died on January 29, 2013 after a valiant second but swift battle with cancer.
Dick graduated from Olympus High School afterwards serving an LDS mission to Norway. He earned a Bachelor's degree in Business from the University of Utah where he enjoyed his affiliation with the Sigma Chi Fraternity, making many life-long friendships. He was lucky to marry Suzanne Holt on December 21, 1961 in the Salt Lake Temple. They enjoyed 51 years of 'getting used to each other' while raising seven wonderful and loving children who kept them guessing as well as laughing.
He had a strong and abiding testimony of his Savior, Jesus Christ, the gift of the Atonement and the power of forgiveness. He served with his whole heart and loved those he served.
Much more can be said of this great man but the most important would be his loyalty and unwavering love for his wife and his fiercely loving devotion to his children and grandchildren.
Dick is preceded in death by his parents and his eldest son, Scott. We know that they welcomed him home with open arms. He is survived by his sweet wife, Susie, their children; Lisa Rider (Creighton), daughter-in-law Monica Christensen, Jim (Patti), Mike (Piper), Kim Cronin (Tom), Katie Rice (Laurn), Kelly Vorwaller (Nate) and two sisters Susan Larson (Douglas) and Rebecca Johns (Craig). He will be fondly remembered as 'Bompa' by his 18 amazing grandchildren and missed by his 10 grand dogs.
A viewing will be held Friday, February 1st at Larkin Sunset Lawn from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. located at 2350 East 1300 South. The funeral will be Saturday, February 2nd at the Olympus 7th Ward Chapel located at 4500 South and 2700 East. There will be a viewing from 10:30 to 11:45 a.m. with the service following at 12:00 p.m. Interment will be at Wasatch Lawn Memorial Park.
Published in Deseret News from January 31 to February 1, 2013

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Becoming His

I am reading a book, Becoming His, the author is Emily Freeman. This little book is my inspiration this year, this Big Year, because I want to be a better daughter of God.  I want to be more, I want my family to be more, my marriage to be more, my service to be more, my Love to be more. So, here I go!

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf said, "The first step on the path of discipleship begins, luckily enough in the exact place where we stand!  This has resonated with me since I read it.  I have been called to be the first counselor in the Young Women's.

The youth theme this year is;

Stand Ye in Holy Places

I am so  grateful that I am standing where I am right now, believing, willing, faithful, blessed.  Time to pull up the sleeves and go to work.  Every Day!  With Emily's word's, with hope and strength through the Lord, I pray that my heart will continually be led to His.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

the BIG year

It is the 1st day of the New Year.
It has been a 2 week vacation away from school & our regular schedule.
We were up late last night ringing in EVE2013 at the Marriott downtown SLC.
Dani, Lander & I have just watched the first episode of Dance Mom's, my favorite trashy reality show.
I know I am nuts about my kids sports lives, but these ladies, including the teacher are crazy, & I love it, & I love watching their amazing daughters dance.
I am tired, I am frustrated with my lack of patience with Jacky earlier tonight (not a great way to start my resolution of the meek mikki) & my irritation that get's the best of me when my pauly b rears that ugly little head of his. (love the man, hate the behavior,love the man, hate the behavior)
I leave for San Antonio in two days & I need to put away Christmas, get the toilet downstairs that overflowed into the main room fixed, wash the 10 towels that we used to mop up the pee water, get the fireplace going, fill the wonderful cabinets, that I love in the garage with all our crap, put away laundry, and on on on I could go with the complaints.( I am so grateful that I have all this stuff to do that is ours)
BUT, aside from me wanting to curl up in my bed, without brushing my teeth, I am going to post on the first day of 2013.
and I am going to be better about recording every, well almost all the
BEAUTIFUL things that are part of my extraordinarily blessed life.

inspired by the movie, The Big Year, about bird watchers who try to set the record as the one who spotted the most birds in one year.
I want this to be the BIG year to change my perspective to how I am going to lead my family of where I want us to be when this whole big test is finished.
I AM A DAUGHTER of my Heavenly Father who loves me,
and I love him.
I WILL "STAND"  as a witness at all times, and in all things, and in all places

Time to be more

Time to step up.  or as Brady Ewell said, "Man Up!"
Read this years ago in an institute manual, & most days it haunts me,
but occasionally it softly reminds me;
"you can not pull people up to where you want them to be, if you are not already there yourself."

Day 1 of the BIG year.
wow, I already need to pray for forgiveness & strength.
Thank goodness He is always there.
